Source code for pyModelChecking.CTL.language

.. module:: CTL.language
   :synopsis: Represents the CTL language.

.. moduleauthor:: Alberto Casagrande <>

import sys

from ..language import LNot
from ..language import get_alphabet, get_symbols

import pyModelChecking.CTLS

CTLS = sys.modules['pyModelChecking.CTLS']

[docs]class Formula(CTLS.Formula): r''' A class representing CTL formulas. ''' __desc__ = 'CTL formula'
[docs]class StateFormula(Formula, CTLS.StateFormula): r''' A class representing CTL* state formulas. ''' __desc__ = 'CTL state formula' def __init__(self, *phi): self.wrap_subformulas(phi, StateFormula)
[docs]class PathFormula(Formula, CTLS.PathFormula): r''' A class representing CTL* path formulas. ''' __desc__ = 'CTL path formula' def __init__(self, *phi): self.wrap_subformulas(phi, StateFormula)
[docs]class X(CTLS.X, PathFormula): r''' A class representing CTL X-formulas. ''' def __str__(self): return 'X {}'.format(self._subformula[0])
[docs]class F(CTLS.F, PathFormula): r''' A class representing CTL F-formulas. ''' def __str__(self): return 'F {}'.format(self._subformula[0])
[docs]class G(CTLS.G, PathFormula): r''' A class representing CTL G-formulas. ''' def __str__(self): return 'G {}'.format(self._subformula[0])
[docs]class U(CTLS.U, PathFormula): r''' A class representing CTL U-formulas. ''' pass
[docs]class R(CTLS.R, PathFormula): r''' A class representing CTL R-formulas. ''' pass
[docs]class AtomicProposition(CTLS.AtomicProposition, StateFormula): r''' A class representing CTL atomic propositions. ''' pass
[docs]class Bool(CTLS.Bool, StateFormula): r''' A class representing CTL Boolean atomic propositions. ''' pass
[docs]class Not(CTLS.Not, StateFormula): r''' A class representing CTL negations. ''' pass
[docs]class Or(CTLS.Or, StateFormula): r''' A class representing CTL disjunctions. ''' pass
[docs]class And(CTLS.And, StateFormula): r''' A class representing CTL conjunctions. ''' pass
[docs]class Imply(CTLS.Imply, StateFormula): r''' A class representing CTL implications. ''' pass
[docs]class A(CTLS.A, StateFormula): r''' A class representing CTL A-formulas. '''
[docs] def get_equivalent_restricted_formula(self): r''' Return a equivalent formula in the restricted syntax. This method returns a formula that avoids :math:`\land`, :math:`\\rightarrow`, :math:`A`, :math:`F`, and :math:`R` and is equivalent to this formula. :param self: this formula :type self: CTL.E :returns: a formula that avoids :math:`\land`, :math:`\\rightarrow`, :math:`A`, :math:`F`, and :math:`R` and is equivalent to this formula :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' p_formula = self.subformula(0) sf0 = p_formula.subformula(0).get_equivalent_restricted_formula() neg_sf0 = LNot(sf0) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.X)): return Not(EX(neg_sf0)) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.F)): return Not(EG(neg_sf0)) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.G)): return Not(EU(True, neg_sf0)) sf1 = p_formula.subformula(1).get_equivalent_restricted_formula() neg_sf1 = LNot(sf1) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.U)): return Not(Or(EU(neg_sf1, Not(Or(sf0, sf1))), EG(neg_sf1))) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.R)): return Not(EU(neg_sf0, neg_sf1)) raise TypeError('{} is not a CTL formula'.format(self))
[docs] def get_equivalent_non_fair_formula(self, fairAP): p_formula = self.subformula(0) sf0 = p_formula.subformula(0).get_equivalent_non_fair_formula(fairAP) neg_sf0 = LNot(sf0) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.X)): return Not(EX(And(neg_sf0, fairAP))) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.F)): return Not(EG(And(neg_sf0, fairAP))) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.G)): return Not(EU(True, And(neg_sf0, fairAP))) sf1 = p_formula.subformula(1).get_equivalent_non_fair_formula(fairAP) neg_sf1 = LNot(sf1) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.U)): return Not(Or(EU(neg_sf1, And(Not(Or(sf0, sf1)), fairAP)), EG(And(neg_sf1, fairAP)))) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.R)): return Not(EU(neg_sf0, And(neg_sf1, fairAP))) raise TypeError('{} is not a CTL formula'.format(self))
def __str__(self): return 'A{}'.format(self._subformula[0]) def __init__(self, phi): self.wrap_subformulas([phi], sys.modules[self.__module__].PathFormula)
[docs]class E(CTLS.E, StateFormula): r''' A class representing CTL E-formulas. '''
[docs] def get_equivalent_restricted_formula(self): r''' Return a equivalent formula in the restricted syntax. This method returns a formula that avoids :math:`\land`, :math:`\\rightarrow`, :math:`A`, :math:`F`, and :math:`R` and is equivalent to this formula. :param self: this formula :type self: CTL.E :returns: a formula that avoids :math:`\land`, :math:`\\rightarrow`, :math:`A`, :math:`F`, and :math:`R` and is equivalent to this formula :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' p_formula = self.subformula(0) sf0 = p_formula.subformula(0).get_equivalent_restricted_formula() if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.X)): return EX(sf0) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.F)): return EU(True, sf0) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.G)): return EG(sf0) sf1 = p_formula.subformula(1).get_equivalent_restricted_formula() if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.U)): return EU(sf0, sf1) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.R)): neg_sf1 = LNot(sf1) neg_sf0 = LNot(sf0) return Or(EU(sf1, Not(Or(neg_sf0, neg_sf1))), EG(sf1)) raise TypeError('{} is not a CTL formula'.format(self))
[docs] def get_equivalent_non_fair_formula(self, fairAP): p_formula = self.subformula(0) sf0 = p_formula.subformula(0).get_equivalent_non_fair_formula(fairAP) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.X)): return EX(And(sf0, fairAP)) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.F)): return EU(True, And(sf0, fairAP)) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.G)): return EG(And(sf0, fairAP)) sf1 = p_formula.subformula(1).get_equivalent_non_fair_formula(fairAP) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.U)): return EU(sf0, And(sf1, fairAP)) if (isinstance(p_formula, CTLS.R)): neg_sf1 = LNot(sf1) neg_sf0 = LNot(sf0) return Or(EU(sf1, And(Not(Or(neg_sf0, neg_sf1))), fairAP), EG(And(sf1, fairAP))) raise TypeError('{} is not a CTL formula'.format(self))
def __str__(self): return 'E{}'.format(self._subformula[0]) def __init__(self, phi): self.wrap_subformulas([phi], sys.modules[self.__module__].PathFormula)
[docs]def AX(psi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`A(X(\psi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`A(X(\psi))` where :math:`\psi` is the method parameter. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`A(X(\psi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return A(X(psi))
[docs]def EX(psi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`E(X(\psi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`E(X(\psi))` where :math:`\psi` is the method parameter. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`E(X(\psi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return E(X(psi))
[docs]def AF(psi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`E(X(\psi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`E(X(\psi))` where :math:`\psi` is the method parameter. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`E(X(\psi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return A(F(psi))
[docs]def EF(psi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`E(F(\psi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`E(F(\psi))` where :math:`\psi` is the method parameter. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`E(F(\psi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return E(F(psi))
[docs]def AG(psi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`A(G(\psi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`A(G(\psi))` where :math:`\psi` is the method parameter. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`A(G(\psi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return A(G(psi))
[docs]def EG(psi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`E(G(\psi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`E(G(\psi))` where :math:`\psi` is the method parameter. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`E(G(\psi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return E(G(psi))
[docs]def AU(psi, phi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`A(U(\psi, \phi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`A(U(\psi, \phi))` where :math:`\psi` and :math:`\phi` are the method parameters. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :param phi: a state formula :type phi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`A(U(\psi, \phi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return A(U(psi, phi))
[docs]def EU(psi, phi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`E(U(\psi, \phi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`E(U(\psi, \phi))` where :math:`\psi` and :math:`\phi` are the method parameters. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :param phi: a state formula :type phi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`E(U(\psi, \phi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return E(U(psi, phi))
[docs]def AR(psi, phi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`A(R(\psi, \phi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`A(R(\psi, \phi))` where :math:`\psi` and :math:`\phi` are the method parameters. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :param phi: a state formula :type phi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`A(R(\psi, \phi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return A(R(psi, phi))
[docs]def ER(psi, phi): r''' A shortcut to build :math:`E(R(\psi, \phi))`. This method returns the formula :math:`E(R(\psi, \phi))` where :math:`\psi` and :math:`\phi` are the method parameters. :param psi: a state formula :type psi: CTL.StateFormula :param phi: a state formula :type phi: CTL.StateFormula :returns: the formula :math:`E(R(\psi, \phi))` :rtype: CTL.StateFormula ''' return E(R(psi, phi))
alphabet = get_alphabet(__name__) symbols = get_symbols(alphabet)