Source code for pyModelChecking.graph

.. module:: graph
   :synopsis: A module to represent directed graphs

.. moduleauthor:: Alberto Casagrande <>

[docs]class DiGraph(object): r''' A class to represent directed graphs. A *directed graph* is a couple (V,E) where V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges (i.e., pairs of vertices). If (s,d) in E, then s and d are said *source* and *destination* of (s,d). ''' def __init__(self, V=None, E=None): r''' Initialize a new DiGraph :param V: a collection of nodes :type V: a collection :param E: a collection of edges :type E: a collection ''' self._next = dict() if V is not None: for v in V: self._next[v] = set() if E is not None: try: for src, dst in E: if src in self._next: self._next[src].add(dst) else: self._next[src] = set([dst]) if dst not in self._next: self._next[dst] = set() except Exception: raise RuntimeError(('E = \'{}\' '.format(E)) + 'must be a container of pairs ' + 'of hashable objects.')
[docs] def add_node(self, v): r''' Add a new node to a DiGraph :param self: the DiGraph object :type self: DiGraph :param v: a node ''' if v in self._next: raise RuntimeError('v = \'{}\' '.format(v) + 'is already a node of this DiGraph') self._next[v] = set()
[docs] def add_edge(self, src, dst): r''' Add a new edge to a DiGraph :param src: the source node of the edge :param dst: the destination node of the edge ''' if src not in self._next: self._next[src] = set() else: if dst in self._next[src]: raise RuntimeError('({},{}) '.format(src, dst) + 'is already an edge of this DiGraph') if dst not in self._next: self.add_node(dst) self._next[src].add(dst)
[docs] def sources(self): r''' Return the sources of a DiGraph. The *sources* of a DiGraph G are the nodes that are sources of some edges in G itself. :returns: a generator of all the nodes that are sources of some edges :rtype: generator ''' for src, dsts in self._next.items(): if len(dsts) > 0: yield src
[docs] def nodes(self): r''' Return the nodes of a DiGraph :returns: the list of the nodes of the DiGraph :rtype: list ''' return self._next.keys()
[docs] def next(self, src): r''' Return the next of a node Given a DiGraph :math:`(V,E)` and one of its node v, the *next* of :math:`v \in V` is the set of all those nodes :math:`v'` that are destination of some edge :math:`(v,v') \in E`. :returns: the set of nodes :math:`\{v' | (v,v') \in E\}` :rtype: set ''' if src not in self._next: raise RuntimeError('src = \'{}\' is not a node '.format(src) + 'of {}'.format(str(self))) return self._next[src]
[docs] def edges(self): r''' Return the edges of a DiGraph :returns: a list of edges of the DiGraph :rtype: list ''' return list(self.edges_iter())
[docs] def edges_iter(self): r''' Return the edges of a DiGraph :returns: the generator of edges of the DiGraph :rtype: generator ''' for src, dsts in self._next.items(): for dst in dsts: yield (src, dst)
[docs] def clone(self): r''' Clone a DiGraph :returns: a clone of the DiGraph :rtype: DiGraph ''' nDG = DiGraph() nDG._next = dict() for src, dsts in self._next.items(): nDG._next[src] = set(dsts) return nDG
def __str__(self): r''' Return a string that represents a DiGraph :returns: a string that represents the DiGraph :rtype: str ''' return '(V={}, E={})'.format(self.nodes(), self.edges())
[docs] def get_subgraph(self, nodes): r''' Build the subgraph that respects a set of nodes :returns: the subgraph that respects :param nodes: :rtype: DiGraph ''' V = set(nodes) & set(self.nodes()) E = [(s, d) for (s, d) in self.edges_iter() if s in V and d in V] return DiGraph(V=V, E=E)
[docs] def get_reversed_graph(self): r''' Build the reversed graph :returns: the reversed graph :rtype: DiGraph ''' rE = [(d, s) for (s, d) in self.edges_iter()] return DiGraph(V=self.nodes(), E=rE)
[docs] def get_reachable_set_from(self, nodes): r''' Compute the reachable set :param nodes: the set of nodes from which the reachability should be evaluated :type nodes: a container of nodes :returns: the set of the reachable nodes :rtype: set ''' queue = list(nodes) R = set(nodes) while queue: s = queue.pop() for d in if d not in R: R.add(d) queue.append(d) return R
[docs]def compute_SCCs(G): r''' Compute the strongly connected components of a DiGraph This method implements a non-recursive version of the Nuutila and Soisalon-Soinen's algorithm ([ns94]_) to compute the strongly connected components of a DiGraph. .. [ns94] E. Nuutila and E. Soisalon-Soinen. "On finding the strongly connected components in a directed graph.", Information Processing Letters 49(1): 9-14, (1994) :param G: the DiGraph object :type G: DiGraph :returns: a generator of the sets of nodes of the strongly connected components of the DiGraph :rtype: generator ''' if not isinstance(G, DiGraph): raise TypeError('{} is not a DiGraph'.format(G)) disc = dict() lowlink = dict() in_a_scc = set() scc_stack = [] time = 0 for s in G.nodes(): if s not in disc: disc[s] = time lowlink[s] = time stack = [[s, iter(]] while stack: try: w = next(stack[-1][1]) if w not in disc: time = time+1 disc[w] = time lowlink[w] = time stack.append([w, iter(]) except StopIteration: [v, v_next_it] = stack.pop() for w in if w not in in_a_scc: if disc[w] > disc[v]: lowlink[v] = min([lowlink[v], lowlink[w]]) else: lowlink[v] = min([lowlink[v], disc[w]]) if lowlink[v] == disc[v]: in_a_scc.add(v) scc = [v] while scc_stack and disc[scc_stack[-1]] > disc[v]: k = scc_stack.pop() in_a_scc.add(k) scc.append(k) yield scc else: scc_stack.append(v)