Models API

pyModelChecking provides implementations for directed graph and Kripke structures.

Graph API

It is used to define directed graphs and provides a method to compute the strogly connected components of a directed graph.

class pyModelChecking.graph.DiGraph(V=None, E=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class to represent directed graphs.

A directed graph is a couple (V,E) where V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges (i.e., pairs of vertices). If (s,d) in E, then s and d are said source and destination of (s,d).

add_edge(src, dst)[source]

Add a new edge to a DiGraph

  • src – the source node of the edge
  • dst – the destination node of the edge

Add a new node to a DiGraph

  • self (DiGraph) – the DiGraph object
  • v – a node

Clone a DiGraph

Returns:a clone of the DiGraph
Return type:DiGraph

Return the edges of a DiGraph

Returns:a list of edges of the DiGraph
Return type:list

Return the edges of a DiGraph

Returns:the generator of edges of the DiGraph
Return type:generator

Compute the reachable set

Parameters:nodes (a container of nodes) – the set of nodes from which the reachability should be evaluated
Returns:the set of the reachable nodes
Return type:set

Build the reversed graph

Returns:the reversed graph
Return type:DiGraph

Build the subgraph that respects a set of nodes

Returns:the subgraph that respects :param nodes:
Return type:DiGraph

Return the next of a node

Given a DiGraph \((V,E)\) and one of its node v, the next of \(v \in V\) is the set of all those nodes \(v'\) that are destination of some edge \((v,v') \in E\).

Returns:the set of nodes \(\{v' | (v,v') \in E\}\)
Return type:set

Return the nodes of a DiGraph

Returns:the list of the nodes of the DiGraph
Return type:list

Return the sources of a DiGraph.

The sources of a DiGraph G are the nodes that are sources of some edges in G itself.

Returns:a generator of all the nodes that are sources of some edges
Return type:generator

Compute the strongly connected components of a DiGraph

This method implements a non-recursive version of the Nuutila and Soisalon-Soinen’s algorithm ([ns94]) to compute the strongly connected components of a DiGraph.

[ns94]E. Nuutila and E. Soisalon-Soinen. “On finding the strongly connected components in a directed graph.”, Information Processing Letters 49(1): 9-14, (1994)
Parameters:G (DiGraph) – the DiGraph object
Returns:a generator of the sets of nodes of the strongly connected components of the DiGraph
Return type:generator

Kripke API

It is used to define Kripke structures.

class pyModelChecking.kripke.Kripke(S=None, S0=None, R=None, L=None)[source]

Bases: pyModelChecking.graph.DiGraph

A class to represent Kripke structures.

A Kripke structure is a directed graph equipped with a set of initial nodes, S0, and a labelling function that maps each node into the set of atomic propositions that hold in the node itself. The nodes of Kripke structure are called states.


Clone a Kripke structure

Returns:a clone of the current Kripke structure
Return type:Kripke

Return a set of states from which leaves a fair path.

Parameters:F (a container) – a container of fairness constraints
Returns:the set of states from which leaves a fair path
Return type:set

Return the sub-structure that respects a set of states

The sub-structure of a Kripke structure \((V',E',L')\) that respects a set of states \(V\) is the Kripke structure \((V,E,L)\) where \(E=E'\cap(V imes V)\) and \(L(v)=L'(v)\) for all \(s \in V\).

Parameters:V (set) – a set of states
Returns:the sub-structure that respects V
Return type:Kripke

Label all the fair states by a new atomic proposition.

This method labels all the states from which a fair path exists by using a new atomic proposition that means “there exists a fair path from here”. The new label is returned.

Parameters:F (a container) – a container of fairness constraints
Returns:a new label that means “there exists a fair path from here”
Return type:str

Return the labelling function

Returns:the labelling function
Return type:dict

Get the atomic propositions labelling either a state or the whole structure

Parameters:state – either a state of the Kripke structure or None
Returns:the atomic propositions that label either a state, whenever a parameter state is passed, or at least one state of the Kripke structure, otherwise
Return type:set

Return the next of a state

Given a Kripke structure \(K=(S,S0,R,L)\) and one of its state \(s\), the next of \(s\) in \(K\) is the set of all those states that are destination of some edges whose source is \(s\) itself i.e., \(\{s' | (s,s') \in R\}\).

Returns:the set of nodes \(\{s' | (s,s') \in R\}\)
Return type:set

Replace the labelling function

Parameters:L (dict) – a new labelling function for this Kripke structure
Returns:the former labelling function
Return type:dict

Return the states of a Kripke structure

Returns:the states of the Kripke structure
Return type:set

Return the edges of a Kripke structure

Returns:the set of edges of the Kripke structure
Return type:set

Return an interator of the edges of a Kripke structure

Returns:an interator of the set of edges of the Kripke structure
Return type:iterator